Wednesday, February 01, 2006

What to do

This sit is a pertty good guid line for fan fic but it would be a good idea to cheeck the sits rules befor posting. Fan Fiction was started by fans of ( tv, movie, games) as away to get things seen from there point of veiw. So some shows never die in live on in the hearts of fans
Here is a site that explainns how to write your very on Fan Fiction. Before you start to write your on story i would read a couple of differnt authors first so that you have in idea of whats out there.

1 comment:

iLLiaC said...


do you personally find sites like this useful? i'd be interested in hearing more about your own personal approach to writing fan fic. maybe you've talked to other folks about their own approaches as well? how are they similar to your own, and how do they differ?