Wednesday, January 21, 2009



As you can tell i haven't been on in a long time. This may have started out as a class assignment but i liked the idea and had for awhile i had been looking for a hosting site because had other things i wanted to do. I hadn't even thought of Blogging to start with. I had every intention of keeping up on this site but everyone in my family kept geting sick and hospitalized so it kept geting put on the back burn. I have not forgot this blog and plan to start working on it again soon. I'm thinking of switching to another site because this one wont let me do what i want with it. I have notice that Blogger has changed so i'm going to check it out. So hopeful Fun Fun Fan Fic will back with a new look.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

What to do

This sit is a pertty good guid line for fan fic but it would be a good idea to cheeck the sits rules befor posting. Fan Fiction was started by fans of ( tv, movie, games) as away to get things seen from there point of veiw. So some shows never die in live on in the hearts of fans
Here is a site that explainns how to write your very on Fan Fiction. Before you start to write your on story i would read a couple of differnt authors first so that you have in idea of whats out there.

Good start

FANFICTION.NET is a good start because it has all of the differnt Fan Fiction.
Passion and Perfection


back row Lorne,Angel, wesley, Gunn front row Spike, Fred Doyle, Angel, cordelia

For over two centuries, Angelus was one of the most vicious vampires ever to walk the earth. Then he killed the wrong girl, and her grieving Gypsy family cursed the vampire with the return of his soul, causing him to suffer with remorse for all the hundreds of innocents that he had killed through the years. Now he goes by the name Angel, and he fights to protect the helpless from those who would prey upon them as he himself once did.After three years of living in Sunnydale, fighting alongside his girlfriend Buffy, Angel has moved to Los Angeles to continue the good fight. Aided by a few old friends and some new ones, Angel must take on vampires, demons, lawyers, and all of the other dark forces that Los Angeles has to offer.

"If you need help, then look no further. Angel Investigations is the best. Our rats are low... (What? It says "rats." Sorry.) Ahem... our rates are low, but our standards are high. When the chips are down, and you're at the end of your rope you need someone that you can count on. And that's what you'll find here someone that will go all the way, no matter what. So don't lose hope. Come on over to our offices and you'll see that there's still heroes in this world."

Alot of Angel and Buffy sites will be together but for right know iam kepting them in to post so keep that in mind when looking for a site.
the Angel & Buffy Collective
Angel's Secrets

Birds Of Prey

Helena Kyle/ Huntress, Barbara Gordon/ Oricle, Dinah Lance
Legend tells of a caped crusader, Batman, guardian of New Gotham, and his one true love, Catwoman, the queen of the criminal underworld. Their passion left behind something extraordinary, a daughter, Huntress. Half metahuman, she has taken up her father's mantel and under cover of the night, fights to protect the innocent and helpless. Joining her in this struggle, Oracle, who was once Batman's protege, Batgirl. She was caught in the crossfire of the war between Batman and Joker, now she fights crime a different way, a master of the cyber-realms and mentor and trainer to heroes. Together, they have taken in a young runaway, Dinah, a metahuman herself with powers to open hidden doors to the mind, powers that she is only beginning to explore. Together, these three are the protectors of New Gotham - the Birds of Prey.
Brids of prey
Secret Prophecy
ShatterStorm Productions
Birds of Prey
Helena-Reese : Links
brids of prey online
a ligth left on
the pink rabbit consortium

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer

The Chosen One, aka Buffy Summers, the one girl in the world with the strength and skill to hunt vampires. With the help of her close friends, Willow , Xander and her Watcher Giles she balances slaying, family, friendships, and relationships.
"In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer."

Alot of Angel and Buffy sites will be together but for right know iam kepting them in to post so keep that in mind when looking for a site.

s l a y er f a n f i c
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction
Wednesday's Child
Fanfiction: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Dark Angel

Max is a genetically-enhanced human prototype hunted by her former military handlers through the edgy, underground street life version of 21st century America. Max is aided in her quest - both to avoid capture and reunite with her "siblings" scattered in the aftermath of their escape - by Logan Cale, an idealistic cyber-journalist battling repression and corruption in post-apocalypse.
They designed her to be the perfect soldier...a human weapon...then she escaped. In a future not far from a broken world...she is haunted by her past. She cannot run, she must discover her destiny.
Valjean's DARK ANGEL Fanfiction


NYPD Blue Fanfiction
NYPD Blue Fan Fiction


Roswell is about teenage alien/human hybrids living in Roswell, New Mexico who attempted to survive as humans and hide their alien sides, while trying to learn more about their alien powers, as well as figuring out how to get home. Roswell intertwined romance and science fiction that always kept you guessing.
A Roswellians' Fantasies
Aliens Ate My Life!
Alien Blast Fan Fiction:
Area 51
Belit's Planet
Belit's Planet Review Board
The Boardello of Fanfiction
Starlight Fan Fiction Archive
Candy Is Dandy
Cemerl's site
Common Ground
Debbie's Fanfiction Collection
Deejonaise's Fan Fiction
Defying Logic
Desert Dwellers
Dreaming Among the Stars
Dreaming Among Stars
Dreams, Destiny and Delusions Fanfic Archive
Electric Candy
The Eraser Room
EmilyLuvsRoswell FanFiction Archive
FanFic Addicts
Fan Fiction Message Board – Roswell stories
Forever Dreaming - Roswell
From the Wind to the Stars
Guilty Pleasures
Heavenly Dreams
I Need it Polar
I Shall Believe
I Shall Believe – Dead story board
Indagator (Adult Dreamer Fan Fiction)
Jasper711's FanFiction
Jo's Fan Fiction
Kath7's Dreamscape
Lady Lioness Fan Fiction
Land of Dreams
Liberators of Liz parker
Majesty's Fanfic
Majesty's Fanfic-Link 2
Majiks World of Fan Fic
The Max and Liz Project Fan Fiction Archives
Dreams of Eden Outer Haven
Polar Attraction
Polar Attraction Archive
Polar Playground
Polar Playground Fanfiction (New)
Realm DM
Red the Mighty Fanfics
RosDeidre's Fanfiction
The Roswell Connection
Roswell Desert Skies
Roswell Fan Fiction
Roswell FanFic Mature Only
RoswellFanatics Archive
Roswell Fanatics Index
Roswell FanFiction
Roswell Hearts
Roswellian Chronicles
Roswellian Fanfiction Space:
Roswellian Place Roswell Realm Forum
Roswell Virtual Season 3
Roswell: What Might Have Been
Shadows of Roswell
Some Like it Polar
Substantial Myth
The Observatory
WR's Roswell FanFiction
Xan's Roswell Fanfiction

Relic Hunter

Relic Hunter Sydney Fox, Nigel Bailey, Karen Petrusky (3rd season) and Claudia (1st and 2nd seasons). It was an action-adventure television series


Stargate: Atlantis / SG1


This sequel to the 1994 movie Stargate chronicles the further adventures of SGC (Stargate Command). It turned out that the Goa'uld Ra was only one of many alien System Lords who used the Stargates to conquer much of the universe. When Earth uncovers a working cartouche to decipher the coding system of Earth's stargate, they can now travel anywhere. Earth's military sends out SG teams to explore new planets, find technology, and oppose the Goa'uld. Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson from the movie are part of SG-1. They are joined by Sam Carter, a scientist, and Teal'c, a Jaffa who is convinced the Goa'uld are not gods. After Daniel Jackson was temporarily killed off in Season 6 (when actor Michael Shanks left the show for a year) they brought in Jonas Quinn, a scientist from another planet, to take Jackson's place. In Season 9, Jack O'Neill left the team and was replaced by Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell as team leader.
The Alpha Gate

A secret group of scientists have discovered the location of the famous lost city of Atlantis, but it's not on Earth. It's located in another galaxy altogether, the Pegasus galaxy. Stargate Atlantis, a spin-off from the highly successful Stargate SG-1 series, follows a multinational scientific and military group, lead by Diplomat Dr. Elizabeth Weir (played by actress Torri Higginson), headed on a one way trip to Atlantis. Their mission: to investigate the secrets of Atlantis, a city now known to have been built by ancient powerful beings, and bring whatever they discover back to Earth. They will be all on their own, with no means to return, with no means of rescue or support, unless they can find the technology they need in Atlantis to return them to Earth.Once in Atlantis, the group finds the city abandoned; asleep for tens of thousands of years, and no power source left for a return home. They must find a power source within Atlantis' own Pegasus galaxy using the same stargate system that got them there or they will be stranded forever. On the first planet they visit, they accidentally waken a new, powerful, and more evil enemy than human kind has ever faced, the Wraith. And the Wraith are hungry – for humans!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Third watch

Third Watch tells the stories of the members of the 55 Squad -- the police, firefighters and paramedics who work the "third watch" between 4 p.m. and 12 a.m. -- the finest and the bravest who protect and serve the citizens of New York